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Palliative Care Panel Discussion

Healthy Peninsula’s Choices That Matter program will be hosting a Palliative Care Panel Discussion on Tuesday, April 16, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at the Bagaduce Music Lending Library Performance Hall in Blue Hill. This event is intended to highly National Healthcare Decision Day, which exists to inspire, educate, and empower the public and providers about the importance of advance-care planning. The panelists will include Dr. Jim VanKirk, Northern Light Palliative Care, family nurse practitioner Zoe Tenney, Northern Light Palliative Care, and social workers Ann Donovan-Fortier, Northern Light Palliative Care, and Amy Wescott, Northern Light Home Care & Hospice. There will be a brief video of a TED Talk entitled “What Really Matters Most at the End of Life,” followed by the panel discussion. There will be a chance for questions from the audience. We will also be collaborating with local libraries, Northern Light Blue Hill Hospital, local newspapers, and other community organizations to help spread the word during the week of April 15 about the importance of advance-care planning. For more information about Choices That Matter, email


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