What Is Collective Impact?
Why Collective Impact? It Works!
Since 2001, Healthy Peninsula has served as the "backbone" organization for many local collaborations. We were the seed for Sedgwick Head Start, Friendship Cottage, and Ready by 21, all successful community-owned program following initial Healthy Peninsula support and collaboration. Collective Impact conditions served as the guiding principles during the planning phase of our Thriving in Place project and have steered us and our community partners through the implementation of this three-year endeavor. This commitment to partnership and collaborative activities underlies all of our current programming.
Healthy Peninsula uses the Collective Impact model in our work with our communities because we believe that more can be accomplished when organizations work together than when they work separately.
The five conditions of Collective Impact are:
Common Agenda—all participants have a common understanding of the problem and a share vision for change
Shared Measurement—data is collected and measured across all participants and activities
Mutually Reinforcing Activities—activities often differ yet are coordinated through a mutually reinforcing plan of action
Continuous Communication—consistent and open communication builds trust and assures mutual objectives and common motivation
Backbone Support—creating and managing collective impact requires a lead organization with the skills and experience to coordinate the effort