Thanks to generous grant funding from the Maine Community Foundation, Healthy Peninsula is proud to announce that we are launching a Family Resource Center for the nine towns of the Blue Hill Peninsula, Deer Isle and Stonington. It is our goal to offer consistent, “one-stop” access to information and resources that will help families with young children thrive by connecting them with opportunities for fun, education and support.
We have designed a multifaceted approach to getting information out:
We have been piloting our Mobile Resource Centers all summer at all 13 stops of the Magic Food Bus. Now that the Magic Food Bus season has ended, our Mobile Resource Centers will be available at area elementary schools through the end of the school year.
We publish a detailed, bi-monthly Family Resource Newsletter that is available both in print and online (Facebook, website, and by email)
We manage and publish a comprehensive Family Resource Guide that lists information about local resources and organizations.
We also maintain a Food Resource Guide which provides information about the seasonal Magic Food Bus, farmers markets, WIC, SNAP and local community meals.
In our office lobby, we have a resource center with free brochures and service information available for anyone coming through Blue Hill.
Erica Garvey, Healthy Peninsula’s Early Childhood Program Coordinator, will be available for in-person inquiries most Wednesdays thru Fridays from 9:00am to 2:00pm. It is best to call ahead to be sure, but feel free to chance a drop-in. Erica is also available via telephone at 207-374-3257, email at, or using the inquiry form posted to our website (under Resources at
We have an online presence as well. Virtually, we co-host an online resource directory with Northern Light Blue Hill Hospital at and post a variety of articles and program announcements on our two Facebook pages – Healthy Peninsula and Peninsula Birth-5 years Activities & Tips group.
If you are a member of the community and have questions about events, resources and supports in the area, please let us know! We may be able to help!
If you have benefitted from one of our resource outlets, we’d love to know that we’re helping to make a difference! Please follow this link to a survey: and leave us a quick suggestion or note. Each survey enters you for a chance to win at $50 gift card – one to be drawn every three months through August 2020.
If you are an organization or group providing support, information and/or services to families in the area, let us know about what you do! If you have publicity materials, please mail to PO Box 945, Blue Hill, Maine 04614, Attn: Erica Garvey. We will be sure to include them in our resource centers. We are also available to come talk with your organization or group about the resources offered in the community and how to help share this valuable information with families.