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TiPD Year 1 Partners

​​TiPD was a 4-year project (1 year of planning and 3 years of implementation) funded by the Maine Health Access Foundation.  Although the grant ended in 2017, its framework of collaboration and community-based planning to support communities where people can remain healthy and engaged as they age has been the foundation of our healthy aging work since that time.

Eastern Maine Health Systems (EMHS), Eastern Maine Health Center with seven regional hospitals, multi-specialty services, transformative Medicare and Maine Care Accountable Care organization contract, reimbursed for value, system-wide integrated Electronic Medical Record (EMR) including Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) and Community Care Teams, and strong IT/data management support.


Blue Hill Memorial Hospital (BHMH), affiliate of EMHS, 25-bed community hospital with cardiac and physical therapy rehabilitation services, and specialty services. Three Primary Care Practices (PCP) in Blue Hill, Castine, and Stonington, all designated Patient Centered Medical Care (PCMH). Unified EMR linked with EMHS hospitals, primary care practices, and community care teams.


Hancock County Home Care & Hospice (HCHC) provides short term in-home care for physician referred patients and medical hospice services.


Hospice Volunteers of Hancock County (HVHC) provides non-medical hospice and bereavement services.


Coastal Care Team (CCT) interdisciplinary team accepts referrals from primary care providers for array of community and home-based medical health and social services for patients with chronic illnesses.


Atlantic Mental Health Center (AMHC) provides community-based behavioral health services to clients with mental health and substance abuse issues.


Eastern Area Agency on Aging (EAAA) provides training and technical assistance on variety of evidence-based intervention programs, case coordination for elders and their families, caregiver support, and community meal programs.


Washington Hancock Community Agency (WHCA) coordinates transportation, heating assistance, home repairs, homeless veterans’ services, and sponsors Friendship Cottage and At Home Downeast in Blue Hill. Recently awarded a MeHAF grant to address the needs of the un-insured in Washington County.


At Home Down East (AHD), program of WHCA, provides an array of volunteer support services to elders, home repairs, and professional nursing care for members on the peninsula and Deer Isle.


Friendship Cottage (FC), program of WHCA, is a gold-standard medical model adult day service program that staffs a caregiver resource center and provides adult day services to people with dementia and chronic disabilities in the Blue Hill area.


Penobscot Bay Press (PBP), locally owned newspaper and media company, is a critical vehicle for reaching our target population in the service area.


Healthy Peninsula (HP) is a Blue Hill based grassroots community health organization.

26 Hinckley Ridge Road

PO Box 945
Blue Hill, Maine 04614


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