TiPD Advisory Council
TiPD was a 4-year project (1 year of planning and 3 years of implementation) funded by the Maine Health Access Foundation. Although the grant ended in 2017, its framework of collaboration and community-based planning to support communities where people can remain healthy and engaged as they age has been the foundation of our healthy aging work since that time.
Patty Bergstrom, LCSW
Blue Hill Memorial Hospital
Claire Connor
Vice-Chair, Healthy Peninsula Advisory Board
Bery Kornreich
Former chair, Healthy Peninsula Advisory Board; community member (caregiver)
Lynn Leighton
MDI Hospital/Coastal Care Team, Director of Care Management and Outpatient Services
Janet Lewis, LSW
Chair - Healthy Peninsula
Mike Murnik, MD
Medical Director, Blue Hill Memorial Hospital
Anne Ossanna
Director of Adult Day Services, Friendship Cottage (a program of Washington Hancock Community Agency)
Susan Ostertag, MD
Retired Medical Director, Seaport Village Nursing Home
Joe Perkins
Director of Development and Community Services, Washington Hancock Community Agency
Bob Thurston
Community member (caregiver)